Another fantastic shoot from the lovely people of Keston Gun Club who once again gave their time and much effort for our charity. Today's shooters enjoyed a range of really challenging stands, with the added fun of a pool shoot.

Our winner was T Monk, with A Seal winning the ladies prize and W Evans taking the Colts crown.
There was a great take-up for our tutored rounds offer which was a new concept for the shoot this year, and the tuition stand helped introduce several novice shooters to the sport.
We're still totting up the final total, but we have some very important thank yous to make...
Keston Gun Club - for use of the shooting ground, for setting up and managing the stands, the insurance... the list is endless.
Tony YaYa Sandover - for his own special brand of persuasion to help maintain a fantastic level of sponsorship from local people and businesses. His hard work means that we can cover the costs of an event through sponsorship, with lots more money able to be spent on our charitable causes. Also for his spectacular barbecue ability and tea and coffee making expertise.
Geoff Davies - for coordinating volunteers, giving his time and loaning his fab mini marquee.
Howard Stocks - for donating all the DELICIOUS gourmet burgers and bacon that kept everyone well-fuelled.
Morrisons of Oxted - for granting our request and supplying all our barbecue essentials free of charge. Buns galore!
Please note which local businesses have sponsored our event this year and make it worth their while by giving them a call if you're looking for a service or product they can help with.
Station Road Shoe Repairs, Oxted
Steel Erection Southern